I am a Life Coach
I'm a Life Coach!
My interest was to seek support from other women in my community and not find it, far from business meetings, tax workshops or agency classes I just wanted life tools!
Exploring on Instagram I found some coaches which took me to the hidden treasure https://www.beautifulyoucoachingacademy.com after being aware of all the coaches who graduated, the beautiful events where they met, I soaked so much of the philosophy of the academy that I decided to enroll in the course of October 2017, with the support of my children and my husband in this return to the virtual school, started an adventure and incredibly wonderful personal development, everyone in my house respected my schedule of classes every week not to interrupt while I locked myself in the room for up to two and a half hours, added to that I started to practice with classmates from all over the world and the time to meet virtually was sometimes until 10 at night, so I thank my family for their patience and support in each stage of my training as Life Coach, when I finished my course I felt clear in my life mission, I knew that I was born to this, the day I got my graduation certificate, I knew it would be the most important in my life for a long time!
With a business structure, emotional support, and a lot of enthusiasm I began to be pro-bono coaching (without cost) with the experience, later on I gained confidence in myself to shape my services. Based on friendship and love, I have a lot to offer my community of Latina women, my commitment is to serve, my passion is to help!
Being a Life Coach, it’s not teaching, it's learning! With every woman I help, I always find something that helps me to keep growing too!
On December 9, 2018 I received an email:
"Congratulations Ana, you have been selected as one of the finalists" ...
My Heart stopped, and I could not stop reading ...
"Emerging Coach of the year"
The whole coaching experience of one year was revealed in my thoughts as a quick movie, all the people who have collaborated with me, my radio show, my clients, my friends, my colleagues etc. ... at that moment I felt that I had already Won!!
The winners will be announced in March 2019.
I firmly believe that when two women or more get together wonderful things happen!
After graduating from the academy, I continued my education with some online courses, such as Group Coaching, Leadership with Ismael Cala, and two others, Liceo Das and Local First Arizona Business Accelerator. I am currently studying for the certification of the MMK (Ontological) methodology of the well-known Life Coach Alejandra Llamas, I am still participating in my local workshops of the ICF, and my goal in 2021 is to achieve the PCC Certification (Certified Professional Coach)
I have ever read that:
If you have the ability to dream, you also have the ability to make your dreams come true!
It has been a tattoo in my thoughts and today is more alive than ever!
See the joy of women when they achieve their goals, is a priceless payment!
Thanks to all my beautiful women who have trusted me to guide them and support them to achieve their wonderful goals!
Wish me luck!
Your friend and Life Coach
Ana Paola